divendres, 25 de setembre del 2020

LLIBRE: The price of Peace, stories from Africa

Títol: The price of Peace, stories from Africa

Nivell: B2.1

Registre: 2709

Autor: Christine Lindop

Editorial: Oxford University Press

Idioma: Anglès


Careful, Connie, please. Your little sister's eyes are looking angry. Look at the sudden lines around her mouth. Connie, a sister is a good thing. Even a younger sister. 'Mercy, who are you going out with?

Connie gets an answer to her question, but it is not the answer she wants to hear. And what is the price of peace between sisters?

The stories in this volume of World Stories come from Sierra Leone, Malawi, Ghana, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria, and are by African writers Abioseh Nicol, Ken Lipenga, Ama Ata Aidoo, Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, and Sefi Atta.

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